The intent of this website is to provide a simple listing of all the files used by cPanel & WHM for configuration. There are two basic types of files:
- Touch files, whose mere presence indicates something is enabled or disabled.
- Configuration files, whose contents determines the behavior of something.
Disable A Service
Disabling a service prevents the cPanel & WHM restart scripts (e.g. restartsrv_mail) from managing the service. It also prevents the cPanel & WHM health monitoring system from managing the service. On CentOS 5, and CentOS 6 systems the services are still managable via the init scripts.
- DNS Daemons: /etc/nameddisable
- FTP Daemons: /etc/ftpddisable or /etc/ftpserverdisable
- Apache: /etc/httpddisable or /etc/apachedisable or /etc/httpdisable
- Dovecot: /etc/imapdisable or /etc/imapddisable or /etc/cpimapdisable or /etc/popdisable or /etc/cppopdisable
- PostgreSQL: /etc/postgresqldisable or /etc/postgresdisable
- rsyslogd: /etc/rsyslogddisable or /etc/rsyslogdisable
- Tailwatch: /etc/tailwatchddisable or /etc/tailwatchdisable
In general you can prevent cPanel & WHM from managing, or acknowledging a service by creating a file in /etc named servicenamedisable or servicenameisevil.
Mail Configuration
Flag files used for configuring behavior of the mail system exim or dovecot.
- /etc/eximmailtrap
Adds X-Source email header to outgoing mail
- /etc/webspam
Prevent the 'nobody' user from sending mail
- /etc/popbeforesptmp
Allow use of POP-before-SMTP for authentication
- /etc/eximpopbeforesmtpwarning
Adds the system user name (or list of user names) that sent an email to the X-PopBeforeSMTPSenders header
- /var/cpanel/allow_domainowner_mail_pass
When present allows the cPanel user to masquerade as an email account via IMAP and SMTP
- /var/cpanel/email_send_limits/count_mailman
When present include Mailman mailing list messages in Mail sending limits calculations
- /var/cpanel/smtpgidonlytweak
When present restrict sending of email to exim only.
- /etc/global_spamassassin_enable
When present SpamAssassin is enabled for all accounts
- /var/cpanel/config/email/trust_x_php_script
Use the X-PHP-Script to determine who sent a message
- /var/cpanel/config/email/query_apache_for_nobody_senders
Query the webserver to determine who sent a message. Potentially an expensive operation.
- /var/cpanel/custom_mailips
Exi will use contents of /etc/mailips to determine which IPv4 address to use for outbound connections for an account
- /var/cpanel/exim_ipv4_sort_bias
Instructs Exim to prefer sending to an IPv4 address versus an IPv6 address
Disable Events
Files that determine whether certain events, or utilities, occur
- /etc/check_mysql_disable: Prevents /scripts/check_mysql from executing. cPanel updates (/scripts/upcp) call check_mysql on each run.
Files that don't fit in a particular category (yet)
- /var/cpanel/mod_ruid2_chroot_safe
Legacy - maintained for backwards compatibility Indicates that mod_ruid2 0.9.4 was patched which is now included in upstream mod_ruid2
- /var/cpanel/bwlimitcheck.disabled
Prevent cpanellogd from checking bandwidth limits. Web sites that exceed quota will not be bandwidth limited.
- /etc/usedomainpointers
When present allows for the following advanced PTR management:
- MAXPTR can be specified in account plans. Useful in account creation, account modification
- Allows requesting access logs for entries in /etc/usedomainpointers
Note: PTR functionality seems experiemental
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